Editorial and Fact-Checking Policy
HealthDay Editorial Commitment
HealthDay is committed to maintaining the highest possible impartial editorial standards in the content we present
on our website. All of our articles are chosen independently of any financial interests. Editors and writers make all efforts to clarify any economic ties behind the studies on which we report.
Commitment To Diversity And The Need To Address Health Disparities
HealthDay is committed to being an equal opportunity employer, regardless of race, gender identity, sexual
orientation, age, religion, culture, geography, body type, ability, or experience. As the leading health news service, it is also part of our reporting responsibility to point out disparities in healthcare outcomes resulting from systemic racial prejudice and income differences.
Editorial Team
Our Editorial and Reporting Team is composed of certified healthcare professionals and professionals who
specialize in Health and medical writing and editing, many with advanced degrees in the field. Over the years, HealthDay editors and writers have won numerous awards in journalism, including the Pulitzer Award and top prizes from Associated Press Managing Editors.
HealthDay is certified by Health on the Net (HON) and HealthGuard.
HealthDay is certified by Health on the Net (HON) and HealthGuard.
Medical Advisory Board
Our Medical Advisory Board is composed of board-certified physicians across various specialties. Our medical
reviewers check all content to ensure accuracy and to confirm that the content is neither misleading nor neglects to point out any critical medical considerations and adheres to the latest guidelines and research on that topic. Our Editors assign content for medical review except in the case of our Consumer News Feed/HealthDay TV, both for English and Spanish versions, where our objective is being first to market with evidence-based factual reporting on breaking public health issues. All Consumer News Feed articles still follow our strict Fact Check Guidelines.
Fact Check
All HealthDay articles must pass a thorough Fact Check process before release. After each piece is written, it goes
through our detailed review process, where we carefully check for accuracy, the credibility of sources, and potential conflicts of interest.
Corrections and Unpublish Requests
Our website lists a contact point for readers to suggest corrections. We look over all these requests, and our editors will make the necessary changes while we don't unpublish content.
References, Sources, and Citations
HealthDay stories are primarily based on peer-reviewed medical journals, government organizations, academic institutions, independent advocacy associations, and first-party interviews by our correspondents. All sources are listed both inline and at the bottom of every article. We provide links to these sources to enable users to access the originals easily. I've included a list of our regularly referenced sources (not significant).
Up-to-Date Information
Our encyclopedic Wellness Library is reviewed and updated on an annual basis. Our policy for our topical news
products, which includes Consumer News, Physician's Briefing, Consumer News in Spanish, HealthDay TV, and HealthDay TV in Spanish, is that because we are reporting breaking news, the content may become outdated after a time has passed since it was published. We leave the older content on the site for historical reference. (NOTE: we plan to introduce a feature on the site which will put the following notice on the bottom of any article which is older than two years "Please note that content contained in this article is over two years old, and therefore, the information may no longer be accurate.")
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