Health Tip: Don't Take the Wrong Medication

Suggestions to prevent accidental ingestion
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(HealthDay News) -- Common medications can be dangerous if taken incorrectly, or accidentally by children.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers these suggestions to help prevent accidental ingestion:

  • Never take a prescription medication that was not prescribed for you, and never take more medication than your doctor recommends.
  • Make sure all medicines -- prescription and over-the-counter -- are stored safely out of a child's reach.
  • Always read warning labels on medications and follow all instructions.
  • If you're taking medication at night, turn on a light. This will help prevent you from taking the wrong medication or the wrong amount.
  • Store all medications in their original containers, and properly dispose of medications when you no longer need them.
  • Carefully monitor use of medications among children and teens.

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