Most Young Breast Cancer Patients Can Have Children After Treatment

A new study finds the majority of young women with breast cancer can become pregnant and give birth after treatment. Researchers say those who freeze their eggs or embryos before treatment are more likely to conceive.

Many young women with breast cancer worry about their ability to have a child after treatment. Now, a new study may give them hope…. finding the majority of patients under the age of 40 can become pregnant.

Researchers followed 197 survivors attempting to conceive after treatment, which for most included chemotherapy and/or hormone therapy.

During 11 years of monitoring, 73% of them became pregnant, and 65% had a live birth, according to the results.

Those who chose to freeze their eggs or embryos before cancer treatment had a higher live birth rate, while older participants had lower pregnancy and birth rates.

The study included women with breast cancer ranging from stage 0, which is noninvasive, to stage 3, which has spread to lymph nodes. But the researchers found the stage of disease at diagnosis did not impact the results.

The lead author says, “The finding that egg/embryo freezing before treatment was associated with a higher live birth rate underscores the need for accessibility to fertility preservation services for this population."

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