1 in 4 Patients with Bipolar Achieve Complete Mental Health, A New Study Finds

Nearly a quarter of patients with bipolar disorder achieve complete mental health, according to new research, but they still face significant challenges.

Nearly 1 in 4 people with a history of bipolar disorder achieve complete mental health, a new study finds.

Complete mental health is defined as having no mental illness during the prior year, including bipolar disorder, depression or suicidal ideation.

Despite the encouraging news, researchers say patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder face significant challenges compared to their peers.

The researchers analyzed data from about 550 people with a history of bipolar disorder and 20,500 who had no recent mental illness. 43% of participants in the bipolar group reported being free of all bipolar symptoms.  23.5% said they were in complete mental health, which was significantly lower than the other group.

One author says, "The presence of a trusted confidant emerged as the most influential factor in achieving complete mental health.”

Religion and spirituality and the absence of chronic pain were also cited as major factors in recovery.

Source: Journal of Affective Disorders

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