Food Recalls Hit Highest Level Since Before the COVID-19 Pandemic, New Report Finds

A new report from the U.S. Public Interest Research Group finds food and beverage recalls in the U.S. rose 8% in 2023.

Food and beverage recalls nationwide jumped 8% in 2023, according to a new report from the US Public Interest Research Group. That's the highest level since before the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors' analysis found that about half of the recalls were the result of undeclared allergens, and about a quarter were caused by the discovery of potentially dangerous bacteria such as Listeria, Salmonella, and E. coli. Recalls due to glass, plastic, or metal in a product dropped by 40%.

Teresa Murray, director of the Consumer Watchdog Office at PIRG, says contaminated cantaloupe, onions, and peaches killed people last year. A wide variety of foods made more than 1,100 people sick, including children who consumed lead-tainted applesauce discovered in late 2023. The report notes that manufacturers need to focus more on cleanliness and proper labeling, but regulators and lawmakers also need to do better. Murray says we shouldn't have to worry that everything from soup to nuts could land us in the hospital.

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