Fast Food Wrappings May Expose Pregnant Women to Harmful Chemicals, New Study Finds

A new study recommends pregnant women avoid ultra-processed and fast foods because the packaging may shed phthalates, which can cross the placenta.

Pregnant women should avoid ultra-processed and fast foods as much as possible, according to a new study.

The recommendation is not based on how healthy that burger or pizza is, but on what’s in the wrappings.

Researchers warn harmful phthalates can shed from the packaging and even from the plastic gloves worn by workers.

The senior author says, “When moms are exposed to this chemical, it can cross the placenta and go into fetal circulation.”

The study included more than 1,000 pregnant women who filled out dietary surveys and had their phthalate levels measured through urine samples.

The results showed the more ultra-processed foods a participant consumed, the higher their phthalate concentration.

The researchers say these chemicals can cause oxidative stress and an inflammatory response in the fetus

And previous investigations have linked them to an increased risk of low birth weight, preterm birth, ADHD and autism.

The lead author says, “We need to call out manufacturers and legislators to offer replacements, and ones that may not be even more harmful.”

For now, the study recommends pregnant women avoid ultra-processed foods and enjoy more fruits, vegetables and lean meats.

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