Too Much Salt in Your Diet May Lead to Eczema, New Study Finds

Researchers say people who consume higher levels of salt face an increased risk for eczema, a condition that causes dry, itchy and cracked skin.

Putting down that saltshaker isn’t only good for your heart. It may also help keep your skin healthy. A new study finds too much sodium may increase your risk for eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis.

The study included nearly 216,000 adults who provided urine samples to gauge their sodium intake.

Overall, the participants’ average “urine sodium excretion” was 3 grams per day, according to the results but when that number increased, so did their risk for active eczema.

Participants with the highest estimated sodium intake were 11% more likely to have severe eczema. On the other hand, those who followed current dietary guidelines for salt intake had 12% lower odds of the condition.

The researchers say, "Restriction of dietary sodium intake may be a cost-effective and low-risk intervention for atopic dermatitis."

Source: JAMA Dermatology

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