New Study Identifies Most Effective Types of Exercise for Easing Depression

Researchers review hundreds of trials on depression and exercise and find certain types of physical activity may work better for reducing symptoms.

Walking, jogging, yoga and strength training may be the most effective exercises for easing depression, a new study finds.

These physical activities appear to lessen symptoms both alone and when combined with traditional treatments.

Researchers reviewed data from hundreds of randomized trials that compared exercise versus antidepressants and therapy.

While dance was associated with a large reduction in depression, walking, jogging, yoga, strength training, aerobic activities and tai chi were linked to moderate reductions, especially when performed at a more intense level.

These forms of exercise worked alone and when combined with SSRI medications or therapy, according to the results.

The authors say while higher quality studies are needed, their “findings support the inclusion of exercise as part of clinical practice guidelines for depression, particularly vigorous intensity exercise.”

They say health systems may want to provide exercise programs as an alternative or supplement to other established interventions.

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