Most Americans Agree Plant-Based Diets Are Healthier, But Meat Is Still on Their Menu

A new survey finds the majority of Americans believe following a plant-based diet is healthy, but that’s not changing their food choices.

The majority of Americans know that eating a diet rich in plant-based foods is good for their health

but a new study finds that knowledge isn’t changing many of their behaviors.

The lead author says, “U.S. consumers have favorable perceptions of foods and beverages that support human and environmental health, but that’s not translating into what they’re purchasing and consuming.”

The researchers analyzed dietary surveys filled out by more than 1,000 adults between 2012 and 2022.

73% of respondents said plant proteins were healthy, while 39% said meat proteins were healthy.

Despite the belief plant-based foods are healthier, only an average of 4.6% identified as vegan or vegetarian

And about 26% said they followed a flexitarian or Mediterranean eating plan, which includes limited meat and fish.

The researchers say Americans identify “healthfulness” as an important factor in their purchasing decisions

And while they also support sustainable products, they aren’t willing to pay more for them.

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